Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inspiration Board.

This is my Inspiration board, which was made in Adobe Illustrator. I think my board portrays what I'm going for with my collection pretty well. Though, I am going to make another one because I'm feeling like a perfectionist right now.
In making my Inspiration board, I used some of the pictures I've been collecting for the past couple weeks and vector graphics. Vector graphics are basically awesome. They're a little hard to figure out at first, but I definitely had a lot of practice last Winter in Prof. Amidei's Illustrator course.

Yesterday I went to a thrift store near my house. Sadly, I didn't find much that I liked enough to buy. Since tomorrow is my day off from school, I'm going to try to go to another thrift store that I know will have some treasures.

I drew up some sketches today during my Independent Study/ Y Collective class. I came up with about 4 garments, but I'm at a total loss for the other 2. Kind of a bummer. I want to make a couple skirts, but what am I supposed to do for a top?
Speaking of my Indep. Study class, some of my classmates totally amaze me with their creativity. I thought I was rather creative, but they all put me to shame. It's great to hear others ideas and how they interpret concepts, it has really been helping me with ideas for my collection. Thank guys! :)

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