Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inspiration Board pt. 2

This is my Inspiration board part deux. I'm not sure which one I like more, this or the first one I made. It makes sense though, right? The top half is more calm, has the city in it, and a homeless woman, which then equals MK Olsen. The bottom is more chaotic, bright colors, has the city in it as well, one picture of some harajuku styled girls, and then Paris Hilton wearing a crazy garment. The recycle symbol comes into play for both the top and bottom parts of my board. The homeless chic look can be made by purchasing items from a thrift store or wearing something old you may have found around the house. The harajuku and Paris Hilton's semi-trash, yet urban nomad-ish outfit is made of a mixture of fabrics new and old, and for Paris's case, a lot of old objects sewn on to her garment.
I have too much fun making these boards. ha.

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