Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Things are going very well. I'm still a little behind, but I feel like I've accomplished a lot in the past 2 weeks. 2 of my models tops are completely done. 1 bottom is near finished. I have it cut out of the fabric, but I need to purchase a zipper before I can sew it all up. As many times as I've been to JoAnn's in the past few weeks, I have no clue why that's the ONLY thing I have yet to purchase. ha. I made some really neat arm bands for both of those models to wear too. I'm glad these girls already know that I have a "unique" sense of style and still agreed to wear my garments.

I haven't got too far with my third models garment. I have all the fabric, except a zipper of course. ha. It's sewn up in muslin right now though. She has tried it on and I only have to make a few adjustments which is great. From there, it shouldn't be too hard to knock out.

My garment is coming along. I changed what the top was going to look like. I decided to cut up an old " little black dress" of my mother's into a top. All my garments have recycled elements to them except that one, so I had to change it up. I've started my skirt, but haven't sewn it together yet. I think my garment will be the last one I complete.

Tomorrow I'm going to JoAnn's to buy some zippers before I head up to school to do some sewing. I'm almost positive that I will be able to finish 2 of my models skirts by tomorrow, which will mean I have 2 garments done, 2 to go.

I know I said I'd post some pics of my fabulous fake cupcakes, but I think I'm going to retake the pics first. I took them at night in not-so-great lighting, so I would like to take pics of them in natural light.

I suppose that's all for now!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Getting stuff done

One of my garments is dedicated to my love for cupcakes. I bought cupcake printed fabric to make a pencil skirt out of, but it was hard to stop there. Today I made fake cupcakes for the garment and a basket my model will be carrying. My ma enjoys getting crafty once in a while, so she helped me decorate the cupcakes a little bit.

I'll post some pictures this weekend, but check out the website:

Making the cupcakes was very fast and not as messy as the writer of that article said. I have to disagree when she says to only fill the cupcake papers halfway. Granted the expansion foam does grow, I don't feel like it grew enough to fill the entire paper.

Today I also painted my keys! The weather channel said it was going to rain all week and I was a little sad I wouldn't get my keys done. Thankfully today ended up being gorgeous and I was able to spray the front half of the keys. They turned out really great. I'll try to post pictures of those soon as well.

This afternoon at school, I knocked out the top for the key garment. I'm pretty sure I'll have the entire garment done by Saturday evening :) finally!!

I also had a fitting with one of my models, the girl who is wearing the cupcake garment. Looks like her skirt is a go and I can make the real one this weekend. I should have her garment done by Monday or Tuesday. She came over before I made the cupcakes today, so I'm really excited for her to see what's going around her shoulder, in her hair, and in the basket.

Just a few more weeks until the show!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

round 5,006

So I've been trying for the past month to upload my lineboard. Obviously I have yet to be successful with it. I'm still problem shooting that with my good friend who is very knowledgeable in all things artsy, so hopefully we figure out the problem soon. It was the coolest thing ever to have a 15 min conversation with a friend about photoshop and illustrator and they totally know what I'm talking about the entire time :)

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while... I've just been so frustrated with my above problem.

Things are coming along slowly, but very well. I have one thing in muslin right now (probably the only item i need to have in muslin) and 1 more garment to make patterns for. I just did a fitting with the muslin skirt earlier today, but I think I'm going to adjust it in muslin and do another fitting of it before I use my real material. Time-wise, I shouldn't do it that way, but I want it done right when I use the real stuff.

I'm really excited about the Runway Show :) I'm definitely in gear now to finish all my stuff ASAP. I know most of my teachers hate that I procrastinate, but I kind of enjoy the pressure of a shortening timeline.

That's all for now!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Rad Runway Shows

Focusing in on one thing/theme has been kind of difficult for me. I want to do so many different things... especially since I'm not producing many garments for the show. Ugh. I'm frustrated, but thankfully not discouraged. It's just so hard because I want to do earthy, refashioned garments, but i also want to do concept, artsy garments just as bad. Since tomorrow is my day off, I'll probably spend most of my day doing more fashion research and come up with a theme for my garments to follow. Wish me luck!

Check out these runway shows! They're all really great. Also, if anyone wants to buy my a Zac Posen dress, I surely wouldn't be against it :)

Zac Posen

Betsey Johnson

Alexander McQueen

Vivienne Westwood

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inspiration Board pt. 2

This is my Inspiration board part deux. I'm not sure which one I like more, this or the first one I made. It makes sense though, right? The top half is more calm, has the city in it, and a homeless woman, which then equals MK Olsen. The bottom is more chaotic, bright colors, has the city in it as well, one picture of some harajuku styled girls, and then Paris Hilton wearing a crazy garment. The recycle symbol comes into play for both the top and bottom parts of my board. The homeless chic look can be made by purchasing items from a thrift store or wearing something old you may have found around the house. The harajuku and Paris Hilton's semi-trash, yet urban nomad-ish outfit is made of a mixture of fabrics new and old, and for Paris's case, a lot of old objects sewn on to her garment.
I have too much fun making these boards. ha.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inspiration Board.

This is my Inspiration board, which was made in Adobe Illustrator. I think my board portrays what I'm going for with my collection pretty well. Though, I am going to make another one because I'm feeling like a perfectionist right now.
In making my Inspiration board, I used some of the pictures I've been collecting for the past couple weeks and vector graphics. Vector graphics are basically awesome. They're a little hard to figure out at first, but I definitely had a lot of practice last Winter in Prof. Amidei's Illustrator course.

Yesterday I went to a thrift store near my house. Sadly, I didn't find much that I liked enough to buy. Since tomorrow is my day off from school, I'm going to try to go to another thrift store that I know will have some treasures.

I drew up some sketches today during my Independent Study/ Y Collective class. I came up with about 4 garments, but I'm at a total loss for the other 2. Kind of a bummer. I want to make a couple skirts, but what am I supposed to do for a top?
Speaking of my Indep. Study class, some of my classmates totally amaze me with their creativity. I thought I was rather creative, but they all put me to shame. It's great to hear others ideas and how they interpret concepts, it has really been helping me with ideas for my collection. Thank guys! :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Websites worth checking out

After going to JoAnn's and spending a small fortune on some fabric, I spent a good chunk of my day researching the recycling of old shirts and other things. I definitely found a lot of great things and ideas, so I figured I'd share them here. Plus, I won't forget the sites if I post them :) ha.

Made by Rachel
Craftzine - Refashion
Craftzine - Recycle
Craft Chi
Wardrobe Re-Fashion

Craftzine is simply amazing!! I might be on inspiration/idea overload.