Monday, March 16, 2009

round 5,006

So I've been trying for the past month to upload my lineboard. Obviously I have yet to be successful with it. I'm still problem shooting that with my good friend who is very knowledgeable in all things artsy, so hopefully we figure out the problem soon. It was the coolest thing ever to have a 15 min conversation with a friend about photoshop and illustrator and they totally know what I'm talking about the entire time :)

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while... I've just been so frustrated with my above problem.

Things are coming along slowly, but very well. I have one thing in muslin right now (probably the only item i need to have in muslin) and 1 more garment to make patterns for. I just did a fitting with the muslin skirt earlier today, but I think I'm going to adjust it in muslin and do another fitting of it before I use my real material. Time-wise, I shouldn't do it that way, but I want it done right when I use the real stuff.

I'm really excited about the Runway Show :) I'm definitely in gear now to finish all my stuff ASAP. I know most of my teachers hate that I procrastinate, but I kind of enjoy the pressure of a shortening timeline.

That's all for now!

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