Friday, March 27, 2009

Getting stuff done

One of my garments is dedicated to my love for cupcakes. I bought cupcake printed fabric to make a pencil skirt out of, but it was hard to stop there. Today I made fake cupcakes for the garment and a basket my model will be carrying. My ma enjoys getting crafty once in a while, so she helped me decorate the cupcakes a little bit.

I'll post some pictures this weekend, but check out the website:

Making the cupcakes was very fast and not as messy as the writer of that article said. I have to disagree when she says to only fill the cupcake papers halfway. Granted the expansion foam does grow, I don't feel like it grew enough to fill the entire paper.

Today I also painted my keys! The weather channel said it was going to rain all week and I was a little sad I wouldn't get my keys done. Thankfully today ended up being gorgeous and I was able to spray the front half of the keys. They turned out really great. I'll try to post pictures of those soon as well.

This afternoon at school, I knocked out the top for the key garment. I'm pretty sure I'll have the entire garment done by Saturday evening :) finally!!

I also had a fitting with one of my models, the girl who is wearing the cupcake garment. Looks like her skirt is a go and I can make the real one this weekend. I should have her garment done by Monday or Tuesday. She came over before I made the cupcakes today, so I'm really excited for her to see what's going around her shoulder, in her hair, and in the basket.

Just a few more weeks until the show!!

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