Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Things are going very well. I'm still a little behind, but I feel like I've accomplished a lot in the past 2 weeks. 2 of my models tops are completely done. 1 bottom is near finished. I have it cut out of the fabric, but I need to purchase a zipper before I can sew it all up. As many times as I've been to JoAnn's in the past few weeks, I have no clue why that's the ONLY thing I have yet to purchase. ha. I made some really neat arm bands for both of those models to wear too. I'm glad these girls already know that I have a "unique" sense of style and still agreed to wear my garments.

I haven't got too far with my third models garment. I have all the fabric, except a zipper of course. ha. It's sewn up in muslin right now though. She has tried it on and I only have to make a few adjustments which is great. From there, it shouldn't be too hard to knock out.

My garment is coming along. I changed what the top was going to look like. I decided to cut up an old " little black dress" of my mother's into a top. All my garments have recycled elements to them except that one, so I had to change it up. I've started my skirt, but haven't sewn it together yet. I think my garment will be the last one I complete.

Tomorrow I'm going to JoAnn's to buy some zippers before I head up to school to do some sewing. I'm almost positive that I will be able to finish 2 of my models skirts by tomorrow, which will mean I have 2 garments done, 2 to go.

I know I said I'd post some pics of my fabulous fake cupcakes, but I think I'm going to retake the pics first. I took them at night in not-so-great lighting, so I would like to take pics of them in natural light.

I suppose that's all for now!